Chamber Committees
We encourage and welcome folks to be active in the Chamber committees. We have a core group committees within the Chamber, all working to promote businesses, the community and the entire area. Committees are formed around key topics, events and promotions that bring visitors to the community, encourage and support business in the community, and recognizes and celebrates contributions and achievements of so many that make Seward and Seward County a great place to live, work, and do business.
Call us at 643-4189 if you are interested in serving on a committee or if you would like more information regarding them.
4th of July Car Show: Responsible for organizing and running the annual Chamber of Commerce 4th of July "Show and Shine" Car Show as part of the city celebration. The committee typically meets with the 4th of July Committee on the third Thursday of each month.
Agriculture: The Agriculture Committee has established the Seward County Agricultural Achievement, which is located in the Seward County Agricultural Pavilion. The purpose of this award is to recognize the many contributions and achievements Seward County residents have made to agriculture. This committee meets as needed prior to the Annual Banquet held each spring.
Ambassadors: The Ambassadors serve as public relations representatives for the Chamber. They welcome new businesses and business owners to the Seward community and represent the Chamber at official events such as the "Back to School" welcome to faculty and staff, After Hours events, etc. Ambassador calls are typically held on the third Wednesday of each month.
Christmas Committee: Responsible for planning and executing the Christmas festivities that happen Thanksgiving weekend, which includes the Indoor Winter Wonderland, the Lighted Evening Christmas Parade, games on the Square, and new events happening each year. The committee meets monthly through the year.
Duck Race: Responsible for developing, organizing and executing the Chamber of Commerce Annual Seward County Duck Race as part of the Seward County Fair. They must comply with the Nebraska State Gaming Rules and work closely with Chamber staff. The committee meets as needed prior to the event.
Extravaganza: Responsible for the development and execution of the Annual Chamber Extravaganza. The Extravaganza is the Annual Meeting for Chamber Members where new officers are elected and Chamber Members network in a social evening event. The committee meets as needed prior to the event.
First Impressions: Formed for the enhancement and beautification of Seward. The committee has set a goal to recognize and commend businesses and individuals who have made noticeable additions or enhancements to the community. The committee meets the second Friday of each month.
Miniatures: Responsible for developing, purchasing, and selling the Miniature line of souvenir products offered by the Chamber. The Miniatures are a collection of miniature reproductions of current and/or historic buildings in Seward.
Ornaments: Responsible for designing, producing and selling the Annual Christmas Ornament as part of the souvenir products offered by the Chamber. The Ornaments Committee works closely with the Holiday Committee to stay in line with "themes" for each year's Holiday celebration.
Spring Show: Responsible for the development and operation of the Annual Spring Show Business Showcase and Fundraiser for the Chamber. The Spring Show is typically held in March of each year and the committee meets as needed prior to the event.