$50.00- Individuals, Civic Groups
$147.00-Retailers, Convenience Stores, Businesses not otherwise categorized
$236.25- Contractors, Restaurants, Professionals, Insurance Agents, Independent Realtors, Service Businesses
$472.50- Large Retailers, Implement Dealers, Car Dealers, Newspapers, Assisted Living Facilities, Realty Co.
$708.75- Utilities Companies, Industrial and Larger Institutions
Associate Member- Non-Seward area businesses that do business or have employees that work in the Seward area and want to receive limited membership benefits.
Dues are $100.00 for all types of businesses.
Church Member- All area churches are provided complimentary memberships.
Political member- Designated positions are provided complimentary memberships (Seward Mayor, Council Persons, County Commissioners, City Administrator and Retired Chamber Managers)
If you own more than one business and wish to have each business listed in the Chamber Directory you will need to pay dues as listed above for each business, unless the businesses are operating under the same tax ID number. We will no longer offer memberships in kind.
If you have any questions regarding your dues or what category you are in, contact the Chamber Director. Final dues will be determined by the Membership Committee and/or the Chamber Board of Directors.